
When You Love A Woman (Journey)


「Journey」って、知ってます? でもJourneyじゃないんですよ・・・

In my life I see where I've been
I said that I'd never fall again
Within myself I was wrong
My searchin' ain't over...over
I know that

※ain't = 「be動詞 + not 」「have + not」の俗語

see where I've been in my life = 人生を振り返る、
fall again = fall in love again、という感じ。
もちろん、I'd = I would。
ちょっと深入り。なんでsearchであって、seeklook forじゃないのか。。。

そういえば、『Way Back Into Love』でも、

I've been watching but the stars refuse to shine, 
I've been searching but I just don't see the signs, 


(When you love a woman)
You see your world inside her eyes
(When you love a woman)
You know she's standin' by your side
(A joy that lasts forever)
There's a band of gold that shines waiting somewhere...oh yeah

band of gold = wedding band = wedding  ring = 結婚指輪のことらしい。

If I can't believe that someone is true

To fall in love is so hard to do
I hope and pray tonight
Somewhere you're thinkin' of me girl
Yes I know...I know that


It's enough to make you cry
When you see her walkin' by
And you look into her eyes

※look into ~ = ~を覗き込む

・・・もしかすると結婚式? それとも日常生活?

When you love a woman...
When you love, love, love, love
When you love a woman
You see your world inside her eyes

★ おまけ ★

「walk by ~」を調べていたら思わぬ拾いモノ。。。

「Let him know that you are walking by his side」と出てくる。
もしや「Raise me up」の男版の結婚式ソングか?・・・と思いきや失恋ソング?

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